If your employees seem detached from each other or disinterested in their work, it may be time to try out some corporate team building.
Team building is one of the most important things you can do for your company. Corporate team building activities can boost morale, increase confidence, and improve workplace productivity.
The problem is that you might not know what kinds of activities your employees will enjoy. The key is to find activities that present a challenge to be solved in an enjoyable way.
Read on for our five best corporate team building ideas to get inspired and turn your workplace into a team.
1. Back of the Napkin Solutions
As the legend has it, some of the best entrepreneurial solutions were written on the back of a napkin. Divide your employees into teams, present them with a business problem, and give them a cocktail napkin and a pen. Their solution has to fit on one side of the cocktail napkin and the team with the best solution (whether most practical or most creative) wins.
2. Full-Sensory Puzzles
If you’re looking for something truly challenging and unforgettable, you’ll want to explore these escape rooms adventure. Escape rooms offer a full-sensory experience and challenge teams to find clues, solve puzzles, and find the answer to a mystery in the room around them. Escape rooms offer the pressure of a ticking clock while keeping the stakes low enough to be a ton of fun.
3. A Triathlon of Puzzling Problems
Looking for some corporate team building activities that you can use at the office? Put together a triathlon of puzzles that your employees have to solve in teams, moving on to the next puzzle only when they’ve completed the last. These puzzles can be as complicated as opening a wooden puzzle box or as light-hearted as solving a limerick.
4. Good Old Fashioned Charades
If you want to implement a team building activity without having to learn or teach new rules, it’s time to play a game of charades. Make sure that all of the prompts are office-appropriate and inoffensive before diving your employees into teams. Offer prizes to the teams who win the most points and let the fun and ruckus ensue.
5. Online Gaming
If you’re worried about excluding disabled employees with more physically taxing activities, give group online gaming a shot. There are tons of online games for large groups to choose from, from virtual murder mystery parties to complex games like World of Warcraft. Every Friday, let your employees log on for an hour of group gaming, loker situbondo.
Try Out These Corporate Team Building Ideas This Year
If things are starting to drag around your office, it’s time to give one of these corporate team building ideas a shot. Team building is a great way to get your employees back on track and improve productivity.
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