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The Keys to Taking Care of your Skin in the Heat of a Cold Wave

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On these days of extreme cold, taking care of your skin from low temperatures, wind, and constant changes. We tell you the keys so that your hands, your face, and your body are well hydrated, away from dryness and dehydration.

The Keys to Taking Care of your Skin in the Heat of Cold Wave

The wave of extreme cold that we are experiencing during this week will go down in history as one of the fiercest in recent times. The snowstorm that has affected several communities and the drop in temperatures not only forces us to take gloves, a hat, and a scarf, but also forces us to add extra protection for our skin against the cold, and thus avoid dryness and skin dehydration.

Our skin is not exempt from atmospheric changes. Whether you are one of those with delicate skin or not, we can all be affected by this drop in temperatures of up to 10 degrees below zero in some parts of the peninsula if we do not protect ourselves from the cold and wind. In addition, the heating and the constant changes in temperature to which we are subjected also influence our skin health.

That is why today, we want to bring you the keys to take care of your skin in the heat of the cold wave. Or if you prefer it in the middle of winter, since, even if the storm passes, you will surely continue to need to protect yourself from the cold for a few months.

To begin with, we must know that the cold produces vasoconstriction in the capillaries of our skin, which causes them to contract, and that not enough oxygen reaches our dermis.

The effect? Directly on our skin: much drier and dull.

Dry Skin Tends to Appear More Aged, Dull and Dull and feels Uncomfortable, Sensitive, Irritable and Reactive.

But the cold also means that our cells do not renew at the speed they should and, as a consequence, a layer of dead cells accumulates that impede the natural nutrition of the epidermis, producing tightness and loss of luminosity.

In addition, when we do not protect ourselves adequately from low temperatures, we are more vulnerable to changes: the skin becomes red, we feel itching and stinging in the affected area, and in some cases, it can begin to peel, especially the lips, producing what is known as “cut lips.”

But not all skins are the same. As we anticipated previously, whiter, lighter, thinner, and drier skin is the one that reddens the most because they have fewer sebaceous glands to protect it. Therefore, it is important to protect areas such as the face, neck, and hands, which are the ones that suffer the most.

We leave you now with the keys and tips to take care of your skin in these days of extreme cold. And remember to integrate facial, hand, and body care into your routine with the products that best suit the needs of your skin.

1. Protect Ourselves from the Cold

Protect ourselves from the cold

Going outside and exposing ourselves to the cold implies that we protect ourselves from top to bottom. It is not only about covering the body area, but paying special attention to the exposed parts such as the hands, face, and head.

The ideal is to use a scarf, gloves, and hats so that they cover our chin, neck, and nose well and that they are made with quality fabrics such as cotton.

2. Cleanse and Exfoliate the Skin

Cleanse and Exfoliate the Skin

Believe it or not, taking care of your skin is not only something we should do when going outside. It is at home or in a specialized center, where we can do a good facial cleaning that, in times of extreme cold, will help us to eliminate dead cells and give more luminosity to our skin.

In addition, with facial cleansing, you will be able to delay the appearance of wrinkles and spots in the medium and long term. But how to do it?

To do this, we must clean the face with warm water and a specific facial cleanser for our skin type so the pores will open and the skin will oxygenate. Afterward, the use of tonic is recommended to regulate our pH, close the pores and increase blood flow.

It is essential to exfoliate our skin, with this cold, at least once a week. This way we will eliminate dead cells and also dirt, we will renew the skin, and we will activate microcirculation. Homemade scrubs can be used with ingredients such as sugar, coffee, sea salt, oatmeal or honey can be used as homemade scrubs. With this routine, gently exfoliate the skin of your face and moisturize it regularly.

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3. Moisturize our Skin

Moisturize our Skin

As we have seen and felt during these days, the cold produces a greater dryness in our skin. Therefore, it is essential to keep your face hydrated.

To do this, according to Estrella Pujol, you have to resort to more unctuous formulas, especially if your skin is especially dry, sensitive, or mature, and introduce ingredients with great moisturizing power such as butter and oils into the routine.

These oils and creams are ideal, as they penetrate much better and do not clog pores. Other options that you can use are creams that contain soothing and decongestant active ingredients such as aloe vera and oats, or those that contain nutrients, vitamin C, and collagen to help cell regeneration.

4. Keep the Lips also Hydrated

Keep the Lips also Hydrated

In addition to the face, another of the skin areas that suffer from temperature drops is the lips. The cold causes the thin and delicate skin of the lips to lose moisture causing them to crack and redden, and now with continuous contact with the mask, it makes them more delicate than ever.

Therefore, so that the lips do not suffer more than necessary on these days of extreme cold, take care of them the same as the face and hands. To start with, proceed with a good cleaning. As on the face, you can exfoliate your lips a couple of times a week to remove dead cells.

Then remember to clean your lips with warm water and hydrate them. And, of course, regularly use lip balm to keep them firm and hydrated. According to the experts at Nutrition, the best are those that are rich in oils or ingredients such as lanolin and allantoin that help keep them hydrated and moisturizing for longer.

Remember that there are two mistakes that are made frequently and that it is better to avoid: moisten them with our saliva since in contact with the cold they irritate and dry more and tear or bite our skin in case they have begun to peel.

5. Shower with Lukewarm Water

Shower with lukewarm water

Many times, after a day of cold and work, there are hot showers that taste like glory. However, this is one of the most common mistakes people make when it’s very cold.
There is nothing worse for our skin than this type of hot bath since high temperatures allow the skin to dry out and even cause eczema or itching.

It is advisable to shower with lukewarm or lukewarm water and even as we finish, lower the temperature of the water, so the contrast when leaving the shower will be less and our skin will suffer less.

6. Avoid Extreme Heat Sources

Taking Care of your Skin

When it is cold we seek warmth. For this reason, many times, we heat ourselves close to extreme heat sources such as radiators or fireplaces. But this is another of the mistakes that are normally made and that, as with the shower, are not beneficial for your skin.

As a consequence, your skin can suffer a sudden change in temperature, causing irritation, redness, and dryness. The ideal is to keep our home at a constant temperature of between 19 and 21 degrees. Our skin will thank you!

7. Pay Attention to Hand Care

Pay Attention to Hand Care

The hands are always exposed to cold and bad weather and sometimes we pay little attention to them. But, like facial skin, “the skin of the hands becomes dehydrated because of the cold, it feels tight and scaly and even small wounds can occur”, according to Estrella Pujol, an expert in beauty and well-being, founder of Oxygen.

Therefore, first of all, keep in mind that it is not enough to hydrate them, we must take into account other aspects such as the way in which we wash them. As soon as you finish washing them, you have to look for soft formulas that do not dry out and dry their surface thoroughly.

In addition, there are many people who do not know, but we must also exfoliate and hydrate the hands, as well as the lips and face. There are specific products for this, but you can also use the same ones that are used for the face, such as aloe vera, calendula, or oats.

If you want your hands to remain well hydrated, although it should be something continuous, the best time is at night, so that they have more time to absorb all the assets. To keep them as hydrated as possible it is best to use creams with a high content of glycerin, urea, and vegetable oils such as olive.

Another important recommendation is to wear gloves made of soft and breathable fabrics to avoid direct contact with the cold and wind.

8. Take Care of Our Diet and Drink Water

Take Care of Our Diet and Drink Water

Finally, believe it or not, it is essential to have our body hydrated on the outside, but also on the inside. According to experts, it is essential to drink two liters of water a day.

It may be that with this cold we have less feeling of thirst. So, the ideal is a hot infusion or an orange juice that, in addition to hydration, will provide vitamin C that helps in the normal formation of collagen and is an antioxidant.

In addition to water, food also helps the skin to recover quickly after the cold. For example, at this time, it is advisable to take many vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables such as spinach and broccoli, nuts, especially walnuts, fish such as tuna, cod, salmon, or sardines. Eggs and fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, pomegranates, grapes, or avocados are also recommended.

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