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Tony Robbins Net Worth

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Anthony Jai or Tony Robbins (born Anthony J. Mahavoric) is an American writer, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and life coach. Robbins is known for his informative advertisements, seminars, and self-help books, including Unlimited Power and Awakening in the Giants. Robbins is the founder of several companies. Tony Robbins’ estimated net worth is $600 million.

Net Worth $600 million
Date of Birth: February 29, 1960
Country: United States of America
Source of Wealth: Entrepreneur


Tony Robbins is a successful American life coach; author, entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is known for innovative seminars, effective self-help books, and entertaining informative advertising. Robbins is praised and respected for his ability to inspire people to be the best they can be. Tony Robbins is probably one of the wealthiest life coaches of this generation, with more than $6 billion a year in income from several business segments he owns.


Tony Robbins was born Anthony J. On February 29, 1960 in North Hollywood, California, Mahoborig, however, grew up primarily in the city of California, Azusa and Glendora. His parents (who don’t know their name) divorced when he was a kid. In fact, he was only 7 when he woke up and described the experience as terrible. On the other hand, his mother remarried, causing a lot of instability in Tony’s life. Tony had to deal with emotional trauma as soon as his new dad got used to his old dad. One of the new dads who became old dads was a baseball player named Jim Robbins.

Jim Robbins adopted Tony when he was 12 years old, which explains why Tony abandoned his Maharavik for Robbins. As Tony’s mother tried to find love, he barely had time for him and his three siblings. As the eldest son, Tony had to take on that tremendous responsibility. He did weird things to earn money to meet the basic needs of his little ones.
Surprisingly, the education at Tony Robbins isn’t really solid or flattering, as some people think. He attended Glendora High School and was raised as student president in his senior year. However, Tony could no longer cope with the frustrations of living with his mother, so he left the house at the age of 17. This greatly contributed to his lack of college education. He eventually worked as a janitor to have a meeting.

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From Nothing

Tony Robbins still looks like a miracle of millions of old people. After working as a janitor, he became a seminar promoter for writer and motivational speaker Jim Rohn. When he started promoting Jim Rohn’s seminar, he was still 17 years old. Tony will master and teach NLP, Ericssonian hypnosis, as well as fire walking until he is 23 years old.

In 1988, Tony Immigration, a seminar in which he incorporated his Ericksonian hypnosis and fire fighting techniques. In the same year in 1988, he published the first piece of information produced by Guthy Renker under the title Personal Power. Over the next three years, Tony’s information will be shown to over 100 million Americans. In 1997, Tony Robbins launched a leadership academy seminar attended by eminent Americans and attended by over 4 million people.

Tony Robbins’ Career

Tony is the co-founder of the Robbins-Madanes Center for Intervention. He founded this organization with Cloé Madanes to train other life coaches, help families, and consult people dealing with addiction. During his career as a life coach, Tony Robbins worked with prominent people in a variety of life works. Some of them include former US President Bill Clinton, tennis superstar Serena Williams, Hollywood star Hugh Jackman, and American rap icon Pit Bull.

The author wrote the following book. Unlimited Power (1986), Giant Away (1991), Giant Steps (1994), Money: Master Games (2014), and Unshakable: Financial Freedom Playbook (2017). Tony has compiled a list of “Top 50 Business Intellectuals” compiled by Accenture and has been named “Top 200 Business Gurus” by Harvard Business Press.

Wife, divorce, children

Robbins has been married twice. In 1984, Tony met one of the seminar attendees and fell in love. Her name was Rebecca Jenkins. Rebecca was previously married to three children twice, but it didn’t bother Tony. In fact, he married her and adopted all the children (Jolly Jenkins). However, after 14 years of marriage, Tony and Jenkins divorced.

About three years after divorcing Rebecca, Jenkins, Tony married Humphrey with Bonnie Robbins in October 2001, which did not get along well with some people. The Vancouver Sun wrote an article on it and referred to Tony as a “hypocrite stealing wife.” Tony sued for defamation and was rewarded with $20,000. Tony and Bonnie have no children, but they are still in a happy marriage today.

Tony also excluded children from marriage. In 1984, his ex-girlfriend Liz Acosta gave birth to a son named Jairek Robbins. Jairek is a successful motivational speaker and performance coach. He’s actually Tony’s only biological child.

Tony Robbins’ Net Worth: Anthony “Tony” Robbins is an American success coach, professional speaker, actor, and self-help writer with a net worth of $600 million. Robbins started promoting the seminar for Jim Rohn. While at Rohn, Robbins modeled the Jimmy Petruzzi NLP sports philosophy. Robbins later began teaching neurolinguistic programming (NLP), which he learned from NLP co-founder John Grinder. In 1983, Tolly Burkan taught Robbins how to fire, and Robbins began incorporating fire walking into his seminars. Robbins later began to develop and educate NAC (Neuro-Associative Conditioning).

Robbins uses informational advertising to promote a variety of seminars, products and programs. Robbins’ self-help products, audio programs, and seminars feature Ericksonian hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming. Robbins’ seminars include four-day events such as Mastery University, Meeting Fate, Power Within (UPW), and Business Mastery. Robbins has served as a special speaker at the 2007 Technology, Entertainment and Design (TED) conference and several Real Estate Wells Expos sponsored by the Learning Annex. Robbins’ presentation was voted one of the Top 10 TED Talks of the Full Time. Robbins’ self-help book includes Unlimited Power in 1986 and Awaken the Giant Within in 1986.

Robbins was on the Worth Magazine Power 100 list in 2015 and 2016. He wrote Giant Steps in 1994, Money: Mastering the Game in 2014, and the Unshakeable: Financial Freedom Playbook in 2017 with Peter Mallouk. Robbins is an active philanthropist and founded the Anthony Robbins Foundation in 1991. He donates the proceeds from his book “Money Mastering the Game” to the charity Feeding American in 2014 and is involved in the charity Spring Health. He has helped donate over $1 million to the Underground Railroad fighting child trafficking, and is also a donor to the X-Prize Foundation. Robbins appeared in the movies Reality Bites, The Cable Guy, and Shallow Hal. He starred in the 2015 documentary Tony Robbins.

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