партбет, aluretestops, uelutqv, мфквуч, екфвуше, ленркмонт, марафонюет, фгосрее, доброщайм, беьсити, анвамп, kbcrjhl, пшедфиюсщь, беибум, lbcvrjhl, мультитрна, спортиамтер, ckbpthbj, ретейнкр, ушатавв, решакру, зерфликс, cgtkkth, знтфликс, ергтвукыещку, симплэнд, микроклпд, микрозафм, сайберспонт, спитдтест, белкакркдит, аллхентац, ьщвшы, ипомеч, иштфт, атерносм, фотоселад, пореоболт, афыезкщчн, акуумзт, пкфшдув, вкббанкир, ламожв, фриайкон, веьиум, коедистория, пнгиофарм, сщштьфклуе, ьетбум, rfkmrekm, сплотмастер, дотахавк, студхэлпер, путогемотерапия, кредисска, ubgthnjybz, vtnfcbhec, щыекщмщлюкг, пашпьф, лисскнис, gkbnrfpfdh, спортмвсткр, иуесшенюкг, пинтресь, 1461011620, кокобумкс, хорошуола, pfzdkt, веббанкип, мушивок, инстастлрис, бонгокомс, тоемпель, скайсмарь, кредисторя, спортиасиер, ылвуышпт, спааес, инеанто, ламоща, rcfytrc, автоуод, rjycnhfrn3, криолиполищ, еtimeweb, пинтересат, пензачесс, ылнзкшмфеу, интимсмти, литнкт, ser4face, портыейн, кдкорп, уралчиб, fhntyjc, abyjkju, ифеедузфыы, тнтимисими, сималегд, фаакуысщ, надеостница, листскинс, vbpjubybz, gaycanference.оrg, пмниерест, jvcrbyajhv, свмнглайф, ltcgjhn, синонимайзео, белкакрелит, зетфиликс, ликипелия, lisskibs, шдагьщ, ьшккщ, дфьзфекщт, пуеыскуут, интиммсимм, тезкнич, осепрозол, андеруат, kjdgkfytn, фдифещ, кальякултор, пинтеерс, достависьа, саннтология, пинетест, энедеск, rhtlbcnjhb, тщешщты, fатернос, ьщтлунензу, трньков, социопаь, примпогола, спиктест, летувоь, спортиасьер, спорртмастер, jgnkbcn, gkfyjgkfy, калькуkznjh, гимсоло, итщмщ, синдонофил, фгещ3т, вомбаь, инттм116, пинтерестъ, зетыдикс, виновйн, 54армбос, екфмуддшту, боендшоп, фармакопецка, пгностик, кщищч, фтдфт, сиарейтс, левометио, стархми, кастррама, вкбиум, увыщ, блаблакра, бандеролькп, фдшучз, зетфшикс, лиссуинс, ксголис, флайтрадао, никтурич, синапсенет, мпидтест, екуосы, армьек, спортмаастер, атерноа, бктбум, джджсел, спидткст, сонгестер, отминетила, aнтaрec, ещсрлфюсщь, afhvfyb, фейситэ, олимпбеи, рщыелун, фотоскоад, rfkptljybz, атеррнос, анидекск, рееманга, vtuffgntrf, afyfujhbz, дщмуз, 2ьштукы, андереат, чатиулетка, шьпыксюкг, летуальн, мособлгащ, атнрнос, rhtlbnnth, кейсбаил, вордстта, декантео, 7скувше, пипидасьр, пшваганда, gkfyafrn, цуисфьеуые, зеттфликс, чатрцлетка, кокобш, мидриащ, rkbgxfvg, ламоода, фигмаъ, kbnujhjl, стэндхаб, ыонтанка, ярурф, оитнет, кальлкутор, орбитурат, еуду2юкг, ыиукьупфьфклуе, спортмасрер, реманнга, рпоблокс, касторамп, 17екфсл, сcian, ергтлфиду, ьфтпфпщ, акузшс, ликвидпелия, домтависта, загонкп, инстагавигатор, иупуеюсщь, тинкооф, калькулятло, низорао, атерносъ, fdnjldjhybr, эрочаь, екудщ, ckbpfhb, фанпеы, экониеа, гисолр, амидеск, скайнеь, сайберсаорт, адшке4акуу, куфдмтс, ршещьшюдф, кредисторич, доставистп, фигмаэ, мостбкт, фетучинм, метронгм, сустаног, сурибет, канкулятлр, вщслукрги, уискул, всеинструмениы, умиыеновир, паратрофич, kjdbregjy, атернолс, дискорпд, пинтретс, авиасейо, дисскинс, хорошеола, кщидщс, grayoffsetback, пинтересрт, ифышсвусщк, ghbvgjujlf, ptnaktrc, cnfylfhngfhr, фанпейц, бенечаи, gitрги, юлаблакар, тииуе, пробиотиу, ремаена, ремаанга, ебадлво, wциан, cvcabyfyc, перфлбенс, зетылекс, кібербіоніка, штешь116, спортмасикр, доброзайс, штешьшышьш, kjrcbnfy, турбозпйм, блаблааар, неапуста, кредистлрия, зефтликс, поанария, кальялятор, кальклутояр, туцыдфи, зкщекфслук, анвапр, кальултор, надоженег, зетфлие, www.saoxue.cfd, лфтядук, панвап, екфзрги, ггсед, пинтермт, вебиуи, кадарюитр, лиьнет, gjcnyferf, ламодла, букмейь, ридианга, финтерп, chjxyjltymub, дщискорд, здфташч, пинтеркчт, веббагкир, камбучп, мтархит, переовлчик, ингосолин, брендшоа, реновацич, ещайм, фарманм, стархтт, lbcrjhjl, зетфлликс, стендыейл, gfqhec, юкассаа, веьзайм, hecutjrjv, филофобич, релуценты, уерукысфт, оэтуаль, fkkthujvtl, 89112755994, летуадб, зкщище, сппидтест, пткмир, ждискорд, блаблакаи, стеловит, форсигп, постинрр, амнтерест, lbccrjhl, екуящк, канкулытор, микродайм, лэтцаль, кичекуу, бондогамс, агромотошоп, гиссолло, сьархит, vjcfdnjibyf, меопад, пинтекрест, гисодо, сималеед, ридмангв, зарчник, асциндень, басновояс, комеосант, цшкускь, ыгзуксрфе, аетрнос, аиернос, чпидтест, брисеет, маилтру, ламожда, финусоуги, фызкщ, захихр, спидтесст, аогодв, фенощипам, зкщещтюьу, мелктонин, имеосметик, нщггеиу, калькульор, адучиу, спбгур, срфепз, пинтеремь, dbnfath, егепщщв, лламода, ыьфкесфе, пуыыш, лаймщайм, кибердеоевня, мостбеь, сщтмукешщ, пиньрест, бароккмера, спортмвстео, штпкфв, ремкнга, vjcujhneh, зрщещкщщь, шмшвущт, тоелло, зщцукещны, p9k50z, fhrjrcbf, инедеск, аштумзт, атерносэ, гемостдероз, срочнодентги, вотспавеб, зштеуку, погопд, кщидщя, финлозор, галикфарм, спортиасткр, дископрд, rfkmnjh, ыищфкв, ффигма, кредитистоия, мигуредит, akfnbrjy, lefkbyuj, пиниереси, омниткс, мутабоо, поночеа, кремнещем, скинлинс, 89819031112, люмьаго, мурлокио, фрешскоре, мосплитеа, спидтесмт, пшеуф, kbrdblgtlbz, блаблауар, фронтаад, яплакад, еюалко, формоплась, пинтьерест, cnjkbxrb, зщктргги, генотнк

What is cartilage piercing of the ear? Is it possible with Gun?

Must read

Before the first cartilage piercing of the ear with a gun or special needle, adults and all children are equally tense, regardless of age. Children are afraid of pain, and parents are afraid of infection and the process itself, causing damage to soft tissues and cartilage. However, most fears were not justified, and miniature gold earrings were the best decoration for a woman, girl or girl. The main thing is to perform the procedure in sterile conditions and follow all recommendations for caring for a pierced lob fire.

What is a Cartilage Ear piercing?

Classic perforation is a decorative hole that allows skilled craftsmen to drill cartilage Ear with a disposable needle or pistol. Women wear precious, simple metal earrings, and order universal rings and elegant silk tassels. Even archaeologists regularly look for evidence of interest in such jewelry in ancient times. For example, a mummy with pierced ears is over 5,000 years old. This indicates one thing-earrings can never go out of style.

Is Cartilage Ear piercing harmful?

Pierced ears are beautiful and comfortable. Earrings harmoniously complete the image, attract attention to the woman’s neck and visually make it slimmer. But how harmful or dangerous is this procedure? Many are confused by the fact that the 11 active points responsible for the tongue, vision, and teeth are concentrated in the lobe. Japan has a terrible urban legend of new earrings and white threads sticking out of the ears and showing bare hands. Protecting yourself from all consequences is simple. It is necessary not to make holes in a professional beauty salon and neglect the rules of treatment of wounds.

Read: Lifestyle

When is it better to pierce a child’s ears

Modern mothers try to get acquainted with the beauty industry for girls at a very young age, so earrings become the same essential attribute as future fashionistas-dolls and beloved rattles. It is better not to go to extremes in order not to harm the health of the child. Psychologists recommend that lo fires are sewn to babies up to 1-1.5 years, so that memories of stress remain even in childhood. Pediatricians suggest calling another number to drill a hole up to 8-11 years old. Your best bet is fall and spring (the lid prevents healing in winter and increases the risk of infection in summer).

Also Read: Lip Piercing

Types of ear piercings

It is advisable to determine the type of piercing before piercing the cartilage in the ear. The most common is lobe perforation, which is literally done in children from birth at the request of parents. In addition, with the help of special medical equipment, helix or curl piercing, a technically complex blade, direct jewelry (requires 2 holes in each ear), tragus or antitragus piercing, which is rare for a round or diaphragm clicker is performed . ), it may take several years to expand the tunnel.

Ear piercing

High-quality punk earrings have greatly simplified the lives of owners and lovers of ornaments for the ears. To manufacture earrings of any diameter, use hypoallergenic titanium or surgical steel such as pearls, artificial or natural stones. The secret of their popularity lies in the fact that the accessory acts as a needle and does not require additional manipulation or inserting of earrings, which causes discomfort. Puncture is performed immediately and painlessly, you can wear “cloves” as elegant as you like.

How about the procedure

The cost of the service mainly depends on the preferred method of puncture by the master or client. If the punk was made into a gun, the price of the earrings may be included. Regardless of the reputation of the salon, the authenticity of the reviews on the site, and the cost of piercing the ears of a particular expert, the process itself consists of the following steps:

  1. Ready. The ears are cleaned with a disinfectant solution and a sterile marker is marked on the puncture site.
  2. Punk. The procedure is carried out with a disposable tool (needle or gun). In the first case, for example, a hollow needle can be used to pierce the curls of the ears, tragus and the curls of the blade. Then the earrings are inserted. The gun is initially “charged” with trinkets, and after a hole is drilled, it is removed from the lobe when the accessory is in the correct position.
  3. For disinfection use solutions, tinctures and hydrogen peroxide.

Pierce one’s ears with a gun

The advantages of this method are obvious. Earrings appear immediately on the ear, the classification of “clove” is very wide, and the puncture itself passes without pain, noise. The gun can probably scare the child by its name, but in fact, unlike medical needle types, the procedure is stress-free. The main condition is that it must be sterile. The master must disinfect the tool so that it does not become infected and work only with gloves.

Needle piercing

In some cases, needles are the only tool that allows customers to get the piercing of their dreams. For example, when a hole needs to be made somewhere other than a lobe. Needles are plain, hollow (inside empty), more often used to make holes at home. It must be sterile and disposable, and reuse is not allowed.

How to do cartilage piercing at home?

Regardless of where and how the piercing is made, it is advisable to entrust the procedure to a specially trained master who is familiar with the technique and aesthetic aspects of the problem. Having learned the cost of ear Cartilage piercing in central Moscow or in other large cities, some decide for themselves. The following rules must be observed so that dubious savings do not lead to a number of negative consequences.

  1. If you suffer from skin diseases, allergies, pay attention to the state of your health and refuse the procedure.
  2. Prepare your inventory in advance: catheter (it is not recommended to pierce the tissue with a sewing needle because the hole is enlarged), disinfectant, cotton wool, anesthetic (can be rejected or replaced with a fabric-wrapped ice cube) and, preferably, metal Earrings not made. You need the most impressive ammonia.
  3. Wash your hands and wipe the lobe with disinfectant.
  4. Mark the desired area with dots. The exit area, that is, the back side, is fixed with a piece of apple, allowing the needle to pass freely through the ear without sticking a finger. If you do not know where to pierce the child’s ear, it is better not to harm it and leave it to a specialist.
  5. Drill a hole with a sterile needle and carefully insert the jewelry.
  6. Clean the earrings and holes with a cotton pad soaked in hydrogen peroxide.

How to pierce the ear

Acupuncture is a technique that can positively affect biologically active sites to improve health. Neurologists believe that damage to one of these points will not cause serious harm to the body, but it is better to drill a hole according to a detailed scheme. You can easily find it on the Internet. Cosmetologists and acupuncturists know the exact location of the acupuncture point, so it is advisable to entrust the responsible event to a trusted specialist in the clinic.


Inappropriate treatment results in symptoms such as inflammation of the cartilage, swelling, dizziness, pain, and purulence around the hole. It is important to adhere to certain recommendations to prevent infection from entering the wound and other unpleasant consequences.

  1. Do not visit baths, saunas or swimming pools within 3 days of the procedure. Refuse to travel to the river for swimming in the open reservoir.
  2. In the first week, you need to scroll through the ears and wipe the puncture twice a day with an antiseptic solution or a healing tincture of calendula. Your hands should be clean.
  3. It also makes holes after sports, bathing, breathing fresh air and contact with animals.
  4. Wait for complete healing.   On average, in adults, the puncture site heals after about two weeks.   Children’s bodies do not rush to please the child with long-awaited new things. Earrings should not be replaced before 6 months. Let the girl’s ears get used to the size and weight of the accessory.

If you have a sore ear or choking

Monitoring the health of your hearing organs is just as important as monitoring your internal organs. If the wound healing is accompanied by pain or pus, rinse with hydrogen peroxide. To avoid burns, do not treat your child’s ears with alcohol. Fans of traditional medicine propose to use a solution of sea salt, aloe juice, melted resin of conifers and even their own saliva, but the effectiveness of these funds is subject to legitimate skepticism. If your ears look bad, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Puncture of the ear cartilage is fast, relatively inexpensive, almost painless and safe even for young children. Stylish earrings are worn not only by women, but also by men-this is a tribute to modern fashion. Nevertheless, there are many contraindications and individual characteristics of the body, and it is undesirable to puncture the ears. These include:

  • diabetes;
  • Diseases of the blood, skin, cartilage and ears;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Nervous system disorders;
  • Severe allergies;
  • Tendency to keloid scars;
  • Various head injuries;
  • Weak immune system.

Where to do cartilage piercing in Moscow?

Ear cartilage piercing is a simpler puncture option that looks more fun compared to lo bull piercing. At first glance, the procedure is very simple and safe, and in Moscow you can puncture cartilage in almost any salon, but improper technique of execution and poor care can lead to complications. You can minimize the risk by contacting an experienced master.

How do ear cartilage piercing?

To pierce the cartilage in the ear, professional piercings use the following tools:

  • Sterile catheter needles. Some studios in Moscow use guns, but it is not always possible to pierce cartilage, and the cloves used for punctures form the wrong channel, so it is better to choose a beauty salon that uses needles.
  • clamp.
  • Razzhim for the ring.

You can drill ur wheels in one place or multiple holes with one jewel (industrial piercing). It is important to immediately put the selected jewelry on the perforated cartilage. Otherwise, it will be difficult to put on the earrings once the puncture heals. It is advisable to choose an accessory from metal steel or titanium.

Before starting the procedure, the owner examines the ear and, in the absence of skin diseases and diseases, determines where to pierce the cartilage. The algorithm of further work is as follows:

  • The piercer wears gloves and prepares sterilization equipment. The earring or bar selected by the client is lowered into the sanitizing solution.
  • The skin of the ear is treated with an alcohol solution or antiseptic.
  • The master marks where the puncture occurs.
  • A hole is drilled, the wound is treated with Chlorhexidine and the ornament is immediately inserted.

The owner offers advice on cartilage piercing care. Jewelry should not be removed until the puncture is completely healed, and the piercing site should be treated with an antiseptic twice a day. When signs of inflammation (edema, redness, pus) appear, you should visit a doctor.

Cartilage penetrating complications

Perforated cartilage can cause pain and discomfort within 2 months of visiting the salon. This is the body’s normal reaction. Blood and anemia can be released from healing wounds, but the appearance of pus is a surprising symptom of inflammation. Complications associated with piercing management disorders include:

  • Inflammation
  • The appearance of scars;
  • Facial paralysis due to the spread of inflammation;
  • Ear deformation;
  • The appearance of neoplasms.

Allergies to the substances from which jewelry is made rarely occur. Some experts also associate a violation of the function of the internal organs with damage to the biologically active points located in the ear cartilage.

If the procedure is carried out by inexperienced piercing, it is possible to damage the ear with incorrect channel formation. Violation of hygiene standards can lead to infection.

What are the criteria for choosing a cartilage piercing salon?

If the cartilage with a hole in the ear is not a source of frustration, but a matter of pride and respect, it is better to choose a beauty salon and craftsman with special care. The following criteria serve as a guide.

  • The master has an expert certificate.
  • More than 2 years of experience in piercing.
  • The rooms have a treatment room and a reception room. Everything is clean and tidy and hygiene standards are respected.
  • The treatment room has an autoclave for sterilizing the instruments, and the device is in good condition.
  • Prices for services are average in Moscow.

The master’s expertise can be judged by friends’ reviews and customer feedback. And if the piercing has a close record of the session, this is also about his high professionalism.

Hello everyone!

Recently, on another day, I decided to do my first piercing. I somehow wanted to “fun” the look, and it really hurts how ear piercings look in the cartilage area))) decided not to put them in a long drawer, pierced, tattooed and went to the salon to a friend who worked part-time. The manager of this salon. So the wizard didn’t have to look for it for a long time.)

After reading the reviews, I was a little afraid to do cartilage piercing. But in reality everything wasn’t that scary. Therefore, I will explain my experience and tell you how to manage the puncture (the owner’s instructions, the means of treating wounds, etc.).

My perforation 07.09:

First, it is better to pierce with a needle, not a gun. A lot of horror stories are heard about how someone smashes cartilage with a gun, how painful it was, earrings with deaf ears, and more. In general, every good master will tell you that it is safer to use a needle! And the pain of the needle is in the gun or less. And there is a selection of earrings.   It is not recommended to insert “carnations” during perforation. This is because it adheres very closely to the skin and as a result increases the risk of purulent and swelling. The disinfectant simply does not penetrate the puncture site. Therefore, if you decide to penetrate the cartilage, it is best to insert a ring or arched ornament so that it rotates well in all planes.

Secondly, choose a trusted beauty salon and a trusted owner.

Third, eat well on puncture days to avoid dizziness. The pain intensifies on an empty stomach.

Fourth, do not go to the dentist on the day of the puncture.   Unfortunately, I didn’t know about this and I installed 3 fillings with anesthesia on day X. I also did not eat 2 hours after the doctor. I arrived at the salon “cooked”… in general, you can’t.))))

Now about ear care:

  • Treat the puncture site with chlorhexidine 5-6 times daily for a month. And actually, do it as often as possible. After the street-required!   Clean and washed hands.
  • Treatment with “Levomekol” ointment 2-3 times a day, taking alternating with chlorhexidine.
  • When washing the piercing, rotate it so that the liquid/ointment does not drip on the inside as well as the outer part of the puncture.
  • Do not touch the decorations. Hair, hats, combs, etc. This is very painful and can damage both the puncture itself and the ears.
  • Do not sleep on the side of the puncture. Firstly, the pillow is a good heating pad, and secondly, it can hurt the earring and the hole. Third, you may be sick and not get enough sleep with your pierced ear.)
  • Do not remove SALON earrings for a month.
  • Do not take a hot shower or bath. Do not visit public ponds, swimming pools, bathtubs, or saunas while treating a puncture.

To emphasize their individuality, girls beautifully pierce the ear cartilage. Such a decoration will please the eye and cause minimal problems if the procedure is carried out by a specialist in compliance with all safety rules. Before you can puncture the cartilage with a needle or catheter, you need to know about all the risks. If you have already or dreamed of having ear piercings, check out the article for relevant information.

Ear piercing facts

What is an ear piercing?

Ear piercing is a common trend in the piercing world. There are various punk zones. You can puncture soft lobes or dense shells, that is, cartilage. This should be done very seriously. Puncture is performed exclusively in licensed medical institutions that perform surgical or therapeutic cosmetic activities. With proper care, the likelihood of negative effects is reduced.

How to do ear piercings?

Think carefully about whether you will poke the cartilage and evaluate the pros and cons. Even if all the necessary conditions are met, the right technique, sterility, professional control, terrifying complications sometimes arise. A practitioner is a doctor with appropriate training. Usually, the procedure is entrusted to a plastic surgeon or cosmetologist. All sterility requirements, disposable devices and hypoallergenic materials used must be observed.

For whom is ear piercing contraindicated?

Conscientious specialists refuse to puncture if they have an acute or chronic form of ear or skin disorders, or if there is a possibility of allergies, and head injuries, blood disorders, mental and neurological disorders are found. Piercing is also contraindicated if rheumatism, fever, and diabetes are diagnosed during the release phase of compensation. During pregnancy, cartilage is pierced under the special supervision of a doctor and for children with parental consent.

Common complications of ear cartilage piercing

Inflammation and swelling after puncture

Infection is inevitable if the master uses non-sterile tools, improperly treats the skin, or sees the wound improperly. Progressive pathogens cause pain, pulsation at the puncture site, swelling and redness, local temperature rise and sedation. This problem should be treated with the help of an otolaryngologist. When cartilage is swollen, antibiotics and antiseptics are prescribed. Work-as a last resort.

Reach the reflection point

Herbal medicine has an interesting view of the structure of the human body. It turns out that it is in the ear that there are bioactive points corresponding to the organs of the body. Ear piercings are undesirable so that they do not damage the reflex area and do not cause malfunctions of the body systems. There is one part of Chinese acupuncture, which is where the master works with the ear. From the doctor’s point of view, perforation of the cartilage or lobe has a negative impact on health.

Tears, bleeding and incompatibility

If the perforation gets too close to the edge of the cartilage, the tissue is pulled and torn under the weight of one or more gems. It is important to check in advance whether the piercing is contraindicated, because if the blood clotting is not normal, bleeding may occur, so a bandage must be applied. It is important for the master to predict how the earring will be compatible with the individual shape of the ear, since infection and discomfort appear as a mismatch of this parameter.

Keloid after ear piercing

In rare cases, the shape of the keloid is confusing. For several months, the connective tissue grows, and at certain moments you can see the neoplasms go outside. Keloid growth can take several months until very large cones form in the cartilage. The risk of this problem is people over the age of 11 with dark skin or relatives with the same skin. To reduce the likelihood of keloids and normal healing, a dermatologist’s examination is required.

Facial nerve palsy

Paralysis of the species-there are cases of serious complications due to infection or other factors. This disorder has characteristic symptoms. That is, the face may become asymmetrical, numbness and heaviness of facial tissues are felt, salivation and malfunction of tears are observed. Not only does the listed symptoms appear due to facial paralysis, but the cartilage after a puncture is also very painful.

Allergy to decorative materials

Some itching is almost always present during wound healing. It can be judged that complications began when redness and blisters occurred along with itching. The disappearance of negative phenomena when removing the earrings indicates intolerance to this material. If you suspect such annoyance, you should go to the doctor. In most cases, a set of measures will help fight allergies by taking antiallergic medications and replacing the earring material.

Tumor in the cartilage of the ear

Any abnormalities in the puncture zone are a reason to immediately go to the contractor or another doctor. Unfortunately, sometimes people get benign tumors instead of aesthetic holes with attractive decorations. Improperly created piercing channels or growing rapidly during infection. In each case, the tumor is of different size, the most massive amount of hearing impairment. Surgery is required to remove the neoplasm.

Hearing loss after piercing

It is dangerous to trust untrained people as it can seriously injure your hearing system. The wrong puncture technique is harmful not only because the ear hurts, but also because it can lead to complex irreversible hearing loss. In most cases, the problem is irreversible. Hearing impairment is also associated with alteration of the parameters of the ear ornament or obstruction of the auditory tube with a large ornament.

Ear shell deformation

Pierce should behave as carefully as possible, because the punctured hole is filled with deformation of the ear. Tissue fall or subluxation can occur, in the most difficult cases, cartilage tissue breaks down. Typically, this problem is combined with inflammation of the puncture, repeated opening of the hole, or significant capture of the tissue area. To restore the aesthetic appearance of the ear, you need the help of a plastic surgeon.

Cartilage piercing care

Puncture drugs

We will call proven drugs that help disinfect the puncture area and accelerate healing.

  • 3% hydrogen peroxide solution;
  • Levomekol (ointment against purulent);
  • Chlorhexidine bigluconate (disinfectant solution);
  • Vaneosin (prepared in powder);
  • Miramistin (used when it is necessary to remove particles of blood and secretions after hydrogen peroxide purification);
  • Dioxidin and Octenisept (used strictly as directed by the master to deal with complications).

We have listed some common pharmacy medicines, but it’s still an individual approach. It is only necessary to meet all the recommendations of the master. Experts know better than how to deal with ear piercings based on the characteristics of a particular puncture.

Consider taking care of your ear after a cartilage puncture.

It is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands before touching the wound or treating it with medicine. You cannot move or touch the ear piercing until the wound has healed completely. It is advisable to minimize close contact with people. It is advisable to act carefully to avoid sudden movements so as not to accidentally injure the puncture area. Otherwise, you may get scars. It is not worth visiting the freshwater reservoir, gym, swimming pool, solarium, sauna or hot tub.

Hair should be removed during rehabilitation in order to better heal and not swell the cartilage in the ear. It is necessary to constantly monitor the tightness of the screw elements. Check with clean fingers. Wearing synthetic and woolen clothes is a bad decision, and cotton is more suitable. There is no need to treat the wound with ointments with antibiotics, iodine, alcohol and dental rinses to protect yourself from irritation and reduce healing time.

You cannot independently select and change earrings for piercing the ears in the cartilage until complete healing has occurred. The wound is fresh, but you need to pierce it with a material recommended by a specialist.

Ear Cartilage piercing options

It should be considered the standard for medical piercing of the ear, not home piercing. In a beauty salon or medical center, you will do everything right, without bad consequences. Leave the choice of jewelry for your ears to a specialist. Many people are interested in cartilage puncture. If we are talking about piercing curls in the ears, this is called “spiral piercing”. There are other types of ear cartilage piercings.

What are the most successful piercing ideas for cartilage ear?

    • Gold piercing (wearing jewelery cartilage made of high-quality gold);
    • Silver piercing (the use of silver products without impurities);
    • Cartilage rings of the ear (there may be several rings in the cartilage with or without ornaments);
    • Cartilage carnation (small ear rings, goes well with other types of ear piercings);
    • Heart of the ear cartilage (cute female accessory);
    • Double puncture of the ear cartilage (industrial piercing, often straight long barbells);
    • Labret in the cartilage of the ear (a straight stick as the base, a disk on one side, a ball on the other side, a microlab has a thin rod)
    • Day piercing (a rare piercing option implemented with a hollow needle compatible with ring, round, heart, diaphragm clicker);
    • tragus piercing (piercing tragus with a hollow needle-the area of ​​the ear opposite the sink).

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