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2 Chainz Net Worth and Biography

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2 Chainz is a popular American rapper and hip-hop artist. 2 Chainz current net worth is $9 million. This biography tells you about his childhood, career, and net worth.

Tauheed Epps, best known by his name 2 Chainz, is a popular American rapper and hip-hop artist. Born in Georgia, he started his music career with hip-hop duo Playaz Circle and high school friends. Their first album, ‘Supply and Demand’, was an average success. Epps later released ‘TRU’ debut studio album’Story’. Ranked #1 on the US Billboard 200, the company has had tremendous success. Sold 147,000 copies in the first week! Since the success of this album, he has risen up to become one of America’s greatest rappers without looking back at him. He has been nominated for six Grammy Awards so far, and has won first place for ‘No Problem’. He caused controversy in 2013 after he was arrested while flying at Los Angeles International Airport for his bag containing marijuana and promethazine. However, his brushstroke on the law did not significantly affect his popularity. His fourth and latest studio album Pretty Girls Like Trap Music was released in June 2017.


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Childhood & Early Life

Tauheed Epps was born on September 12, 1977 in College Park, Georgia, USA. He was difficult. He grew up alone with his mother as his father entered and left prison several times.

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He went to North Clayton High School and played basketball. Despite being a good student, he handled drugs as a teenager. At the age of 15 he was arrested for possession of drugs. He attended Alabama State University, and later transferred to Virginia State University.

Tauheed Epps formed a hip-hop duo Playaz Circle with a high school friend and started playing songs. The duo became friends with the famous rapper Ludacris and performed with him.

The duo’s debut album’Supply & Demand’ was released in 2007, the show ranked 27th on the Billboard 200 and sold over 26,000 copies in the first week. However, it fell to 79 on the Billboard 200 in the second week.

Adopting the stage name “2 Chainz”, Epps released their debut studio album in March 2012. Two months later, he released the album’s lead single ‘No Lie’, featuring famous Canadian rapper Drake. Debuting 46th on the Billboard Hot 100, the song was a commercial success and sold 1.4 million copies digitally.

On August 2 of the same year, the story of Chainz’s album ‘TRU’ was released. The album, which included guest appearances by popular rappers such as Drake, Lil Wayne, and Kanye West, topped the Billboard 200 in the United States.

The second album’BOATS II’ was released in September 2013. The album, which ranked third on the American Billboard 200, was as great a success as the first album. It sold 63,000 copies in the first week.

His third studio album, Colle Grove, released in March 2016 was also a huge success. It debuted at number 4 on the American Billboard 200.

His latest album, ‘Pretty Girls Like Trap Music’, was released in June 2017, which has been well received by critics, including starring stars like Drake, Pharrell Williams, and Travis Scott.

‘TRU Criterion 2 Chainz’s debut studio album, Story’, can be considered his first major and most successful work. The album was a huge success, peaked at the first spot on the American Billboard 200, and sold 147,000 copies within a week. During the year, it eventually sold 623,000 copies. Albums with hit singles like No Lie, Birthday Song and I’m Different were also selected for ‘Best Rap Album’ at the 55th Annual Grammy Awards. Reviews are mostly mixed.

‘BOATS II: Me Time, 2 Chainz’s second studio album is one of his important works. Debuting in third place on the US Billboard 200, the album was a huge hit. It sold 63,000 copies in the first week. These included hit singles like Feds Watching, Where U Been, and NetFlix. It also gained popularity in some other countries, such as Canada, and ranked 11th on the Canadian album charts. Most of them received positive reviews from critics.

2 Chainz has won six Grammy Awards so far, of which is ranked #1 in the 2016 hit song’No Problem’ in the’Best Rap Performance’ category.

He has also won numerous BET hip-hop awards and won five times, including Rookie of the Year award in 2012.

His song ‘Mercy’ won the Soul Train Award for ‘Best Hip Hop Song of the Year’ in 2012.

2 Chainz married Kesha Ward in 2013, the couple has three children: Heaven, Harmony and Halo.

Despite his successful career, he is known for obeying the law. He has been arrested several times for possession of drugs.

2 Chainz Net Worth

2 Chainz current net worth is $9 million.

Quick Facts

  • Birthday September 12, 1977
  • Famous: 2 Chainz Rappers quotes
  • Sun Sign: Virgo
  • Another Name: Tity Boi
  • Country of Origin: United States of AmericaUsa
  • Born: College Park, Georgia, USA
  • Professional: Rapper
  • Family: Spouse / Ex-: Kesha Ward (m. 2013) US State: Georgia Other Facts Education: Alabama State University Alabama State University North Arizona State University Arizona State University

Bonus Information:

Kesha Ward-Biography, Age, Height, Net Worth, all about 2 Chainz’s Wife

Kesha Ward-biography, age, height, net worth, all about 2 Chainz's wife

One of the easiest ways to gain fame is to have a relationship with a celebrity. In this context, Kesha Ward publicly learned that he had become the wife of popular hip-hop rapper Tauheed Epps. The husband of the ward, whose job name is 2 Chainz, is both a songwriter and a media personality. His other nicknames are Titi Boi and Drenchgod. Meanwhile, Kesha Ward is not only the wife of a celebrity, but also a businessman and philanthropist. She is the owner and director of a kindergarten education center, A Gift From Heaven.

Kesha Ward’s Bio (Age)

She was born on May 8, 1978 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, as Nakesha Ward with the birth sign of Taurus. Kesha also grew up in Atlanta.

When completing elementary, middle and high school education, Kesha Ward earned a bachelor’s degree to further advance his education. After earning her degree, she has dedicated herself to inspiring and influencing life in and outside her community. Meanwhile, with a passion for teaching and imparting knowledge, Ward has always ruminated on the lack of access to creative and wholesome education for young children in the Atlanta community.

To meet these needs, Kesha Ward established an education center in Atlanta for preschool children. She named the school as a gift from heaven. In the next few years, Kesha was able to move the learning center to the point of the emergence of the best kindergartens in Georgia.

Responding to her, Kesha Ward founded the TRU Foundation, an organization that provides educational opportunities to African-American families in Atlanta to communities and the world of hardship and poverty through a wholesome and wholesome education. She co-founded TRU with her husband to promote the educational needs of the Atlanta community.

2 Relationship and Marriage with Chainz

2 Relationship and marriage with Chainz

Kesha Ward met 2 Chainz in 2006. When they met, 2 Chainz didn’t get anything close to the popularity they enjoy today. He was struggling to find his feet. However, this didn’t stop Kesha from sticking to him and gave him all the support he needed. Seven years later, exactly in 2013, 2 Chainz took a big break and rose to a star.

Following his career breakthrough, 2 Chainz raised big questions to Kesha Ward at the BET Hip-Hop Awards Gala on October 15, 2013, the latter shining with “yes”. However, the long silence followed the offer, and the relationship did not move to the next level as expected. There were also rumors that Kesha and 2 Chainz would have tied the knot at a secret event. However, over time it became clear that that did not happen.

Five years later, exactly on May 7, 2018, at the Met Gala Awards event, 2 Chainz once again offered to Ward. Putting his right knee to the ground, 2 Chainz asked a question, Kesha said with eyes filled with tears of joy.

After 3 months the couple officially knotted. Started on August 18, 2018, the wedding was a spectacular event held at Villa Casa Casuarina in Miami, Florida. Along with Lil Wayne, Kanye West and his wife Kim Kardashian, he became a star star stud with many celebrities.
Kesha Ward and 2 Chainz have three children: daughters Heaven Epps and Harmony Epps and son Halo Epps. The couple had all three children before they were officially married.

Kesha Ward’s Net Worth?

Undoubtedly, Kesha makes money in her professional career, but the exact figures of her net worth are still under review. However, as the owner and director of the kindergarten, her income is in a good position. Meanwhile, her husband, 2 Chainz, has a net worth of $6 million so far.

Kesha is an elegant woman 5 feet tall, 6 inches (1.67 meters), she has an hourglass body measuring 34-28-35 inches each with chest, waist, and hips. She is about 132 lbs.

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2 Other Facts about Chainz’s Wife

  • Kesha Ward is the founder and CEO of Bouncing along with Harmony LLC., a recreational and entertainment outfit, in addition to a gift from heaven.
  • Ward also runs Heaven Academy, a school founded in Atlanta.
  • Nakesha is a woman withheld on matters of privacy. She actively uses social media, but keeps her personal and family life away from him.
  • The best actors and actresses of celebrities are Johnny Depp and Jennifer Anniston.

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