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12 Luxury Hotels in Las Vegas With Free Parking

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The Las Vegas Strip is almost five miles long, which is why a car would prove handy during a break to the city.

Even if you’re not driving to Vegas, renting a vehicle is bound to make your vacation much easier, as you won’t need to hop onto public transport or walk many miles to reach your desired destination.

For the above reason, you should book a hotel that provides free parking, which will lower your travel expenses while providing peace of mind that the vehicle is safe and secure. Here are 12 luxury hotels in Las Vegas with free parking.

Westgate Las Vegas Resort

Source: Instagram, posted on February 21st, 2022, Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino’s official profile.

1. Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino

Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino provides each of its guests with value for money experiences, which is why they provide a free parking Las Vegas location.

Consider Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino when looking for free parking in Las Vegas. Guests are more than welcome to park their vehicle at the resort free of charge, which will allow them to travel from A to B each day stress-free.

The parking lot will help you explore the best of Sin City at your leisure, and you can then return to the beautiful resort to watch a show, play slots at the casino, or dine at one of its many restaurants.

Source: Instagram, posted on March 27th, 2022, The Venetian’s official profile.

2. The Venetian Resort

Park your car free of charge at The Venetian Resort’s parking garage, and you can even recharge your electric car using one of 13 charging stations.
Guests and non-guests can park for free at The Venetian Resort’s garage, which will allow travelers to explore the resort’s glamorous casino or exceptional restaurants. The hotel also provides a valet parking service, but this is a luxury for guests only. Plus, the parking garage features 13 charging stations to charge electric vehicles.

Treasure Island

Source: Instagram, posted on March 28th, 2022, Treasure Island’s official profile.

3. Treasure Island Hotel & Casino

Park your car with confidence at Treasure Island’s fully lit parking garage, which offers free self-parking and valet parking services for its registered guests.

Affordability is a priority at Treasure Island Hotel & Casino, which is why its self-parking garage and valet parking services are free for every registered hotel guest. However, valet parking attendants will always appreciate gratuities for their hard work.

The hotel’s parking garage is open 24 hours a day and features 632 parking spaces and four garage elevators. Plus, it offers electric charging stations and features full lighting with security to protect guests’ vehicles on the premises.

Circus Circus Hotel

Source: Instagram, posted on December 6th, 2017, Circus Circus’ official profile.

4. Circus Circus Hotel & Casino

Circus Circus Hotel & Casino guests can self-park for free, but they will need to pay for the resort’s valet service.

Circus Circus Hotel & Casino is a luxurious family-friendly resort on the north side of the Strip. In addition to providing an indoor theme park, a glamorous casino, and many restaurants, self-parking is free for all hotel guests.

The only time a guest will need to pay for parking is when using the hotel’s valet service, which starts at $12 for the first two hours. If guests or non-guests need to park an oversized vehicle, they’ll receive a charge of $20 per day.

Tropicana Las Vegas Hotel

Source: Instagram, posted on February 26th, 2022, Tropicana’s official profile.

5. Tropicana Las Vegas Hotel & Casino

Self-parking at Tropicana Las Vegas Hotel & Casino is included in the resort fee, and non-guests will be charged to park their vehicle in the garage.

Tropicana Las Vegas Hotel & Casino’s self-parking service is included in its resort fee, which means guests will not need to pay a penny extra to use its secure garage. If you’re not a guest at the hotel, lots will start at a rate of $5. However, it is worth bearing in mind that the price may increase during citywide or hotel special events.

Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa

Source: Instagram, posted on February 25th, 2022, Red Rock Casino’s official profile.

6. Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa

Red Rock provides multiple free parking lots and garages, valet parking, and even a complimentary shuttle to and from Harry Reid International Airport.

Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa strives to provide its customers with a relaxing getaway from start to finish, which extends to their transportation. Therefore, guests can save money by storing their car or rental in one of the hotel’s complimentary lots or garages.
Also, to make your stay a breeze, you can receive valet parking at either the casino entrance or the hotel and spa entrance off South Pavillion Center.

However, if you’re renting a car to transport you and your loved ones to and from Harry Reid International Airport, save your money as the hotel is happy to provide guests with a complimentary shuttle service.

However, you might not feel you need a car at all during your visit, as many attractions are on the hotel’s doorstep. For example, Red Rock National Conservation Area is next door to the resort, and you might struggle to tear yourself away from the full casino, outdoor pool, games room, or serene spa.

Trump International Hotel

Source: Instagram, posted on September 27th, 2021, Trump Las Vegas’ official profile.

7. Trump International Hotel

Receive a VIP service at Trump International Hotel, which provides all guests with free parking and valet service.

Trump International Hotel is one of the most refined hotels in Las Vegas, but you’ll be happy to learn you will not need to pay an extortionate fee for parking. As the resort aims to make every guest feel like a VIP, it provides free parking with a valet service. You can then arrive at the non-gaming hotel, hand over your keys, and make your way to the comfort of your five-star room, enjoy dinner at DJT Restaurant and Lounge, or treat yourself to a little self-care at the 11,000 square-foot Spa at Trump.

Marriott’s Grand Chateau

Source: Instagram, posted on October 23rd, 2021, Marriot’s Grand Chateau’s official profile.

8. Marriott’s Grand Chateau

You’ll receive a complimentary valet service as a guest at Marriott’s Grand Chateau, which can take some of the stress out of a Vegas vacation.

Marriott’s Grand Chateau provides a luxurious home from home in Vegas, which is why it’s a superb choice for families and groups of friends. A premium stay deserves a premium parking service, which is why guests can receive a complimentary valet service. However, vehicles exceeding 6 feet 10 inches or trailers cannot park on the property.

After handing the keys to a valet attendant, you can return to your one-, two-, or three-bedroom rental to relax and enjoy its various home comforts, such as a living and dining area, full kitchen, master suites, or a washer/dryer.

Downtown Grand Hotel & Casino

Source: Instagram, posted on July 26th, 2021, Downtown Grand’s official profile.

9. Downtown Grand Hotel & Casino

Complimentary self-parking is free for all guests at Downtown Grand Hotel & Casino, and validated parking is available for restaurant customers.

Parking is a breeze for guests at the classic yet contemporary Downtown Grand Hotel & Casino. The hotel is committed to helping customers feel at home during their stay, which is why they allow guests to bring their dogs, and they even provide a complimentary self-parking garage.

If you’re not a guest at Downtown Grand Hotel & Casino, the hotel can validate your parking when spending $25 or more at one of their on-property restaurants, such as the upscale Triple George Bill or the all-American Freedom Beat.

Golden Nugget Las Vegas Hotel & Casino

Source: Instagram, posted on December 4th, 2020, Golden Nugget’s official profile.

10. Golden Nugget Las Vegas Hotel & Casino

Golden Nugget Las Vegas Hotel & Casino provides a self-parking garage that’s free for registered guests during their stay.

Parking in bustling Las Vegas doesn’t need to be a nightmare as a registered guest at Golden Nugget Las Vegas Hotel & Casino. The self-parking garage is on the south side of the stylish hotel on 1st Street and Bridger. It will provide peace of mind that your car is in a safe location. You can then focus on having fun at the hotel, such as playing traditional and modern table games at the casino or relaxing in your stylish room.

Las Vegas Hilton at Resorts World

Source: Instagram, posted on September 7th, 2021, Resorts World’s official profile.

11. Las Vegas Hilton at Resorts World

Self-parking is covered for guests in Las Vegas Hilton at Resort’s World’s daily resort charge, while an additional fee of $25 is required for valet parking.

Las Vegas Hilton at Resorts World will add a daily resort charge of $5 to the room rate, which provides guests with various perks during their stay. In addition to receiving 10% off the spa and fitness retail and 5% off spa treatments, guests will not be charged for self-parking during their stay. However, both guests and non-guests will need to pay a daily flat fee of $25 for valet parking.

Tuscany Suites & Casino

Source: Instagram, posted on March 24th, 2022, Tuscany Suites & Casino’s official profile.

12. Tuscany Suites & Casino

Tuscany Suites & Casino offers a tranquil resort away from the electric Strip, as well as convenient, free valet parking to help you maximize every second of your vacation.
Tuscany Suites & Casino is within walking distance of the Las Vegas Strip and provides guests with large rooms, good-sized beds, and a personalized guest experience other hotels would find hard to rival.

The hidden gem provides guests with all the fantastic amenities of resorts on the Strip while providing a more comfortable, convenient experience. Not only does the off-Strip hotel include spacious suites, a glamorous casino, and live entertainment seven days per week, but guests can park at the hotel free of charge, and complimentary valet parking is available.

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