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Mesh Network – What it is and How to Set it up at Home

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If your home Wi-Fi Mesh Network has a dead zone or doesn’t cover your entire home, you may have recently considered using a Wi-Fi mesh. Popularity has skyrocketed, but what are Wi-Fi mesh systems, and how are those networks different from traditional Wi-Fi extenders?

Set up a Mesh Wi-Fi Network at Home.

What is a Wi-Fi Mesh in Simple Words?

Wi-Fi Extenders have long been widely used to eliminate Wi-Fi “dead zones” in the home, but with the advent of Wi-Fi Mesh systems over the past few years, many users have followed these new systems. Mainly because it is easy to configure and use. A Wi-Fi mesh network consists of two or more router-like devices that work together to fully cover your home Wi-Fi. You can think of this as a multiple Wi-Fi Extender system, but it’s much easier to configure and doesn’t require multiple network names or other downsides that most signal extenders have. All you need is to connect your device and perform a few simple steps in the attached application. Network administration is easy, and the basic functions that people need are easy to access and easy to use because after all the functions are set up, most complex functions are not accessible to users.

How Does the Wi-Fi Mesh System Work?

One aspect that many people don’t understand about mesh wireless networks is that their current routers need to be replaced. So, while the Wi-Fi Extender simply amplifies the main router’s Wi-Fi signal, the Wi-Fi mesh system actually creates an entirely new Wi-Fi network separate from the current router’s Wi-Fi network. Also, if you need to manage your Wi-Fi network, you can do it using a simple smartphone app, rather than the router’s complicated management page. This will make it much easier to change settings and get an overall overview of your network.

The mesh network also allows these multiple routers to communicate with each other in any order. Traditional Wi-Fi network extenders can only communicate with the main router, and if you have configured multiple Wi-Fi extenders, they usually cannot communicate with each other. However, a Wi-Fi mesh device has a huge advantage as it can communicate with any device you want to provide the best coverage for any device. For example, if you have installed the first and second grid blocks in your home, you don’t have to worry about placing the third block next to the first. You can create a much wider range of Wi-Fi extensions because you can simply receive the signal from the second block. Imagine this as a baton where a runner runs a cane too far down the road. The Wi-Fi mesh system works the same way.

Also, when you open the Wi-Fi Analysis application, the Mesh Wi-Fi network actually sends a separate Wi-Fi network, one for each device you configure. This is how traditional Wi-Fi extenders work, but if you need to manually switch between networks (e.g. between Network and Network_EXT). However, the Mesh Wi-Fi network still operates as a single network, so the device automatically switches between cells. However, some of the Wi-Fi Extenders can also do this, but there are still drawbacks. Reduced speed as the load on the Wi-Fi Extender increases because it uses Wi-Fi to communicate with routers and devices.

However, network devices have multiple wireless modules in each gadget, so one wireless device can communicate with other network devices and the other can be used to communicate with the device, which can be effectively deployed to avoid “narrow” space. So, not only will you get a better Wi-Fi signal without compromising quality, but you can also get maximum speed throughout your home.

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Wi-Fi Mesh System

This is the main reason why you want to invest in a wireless mesh system without buying a wireless router.

1. Significantly Improved Coverage

One of the key benefits associated with a Wi-Fi mesh system is its ability to cover a much larger area. This is especially true if you have tall buildings or buildings with large coverage. When using a mesh system, you don’t have to rely on a single router to provide signals throughout your home. Instead, you can strategically place other nodes apart from the mesh system, which helps improve the overall coverage of the house and eliminates potential “dead zones”.

2. Green to be Less on the Cliff

Another reason mesh networks have a significant advantage over single router networks is that you don’t have to worry that a single router can’t transmit signals. If you’ve ever had a router setup, you probably need to reboot your router. Mesh networks use multiple nodes to carry signals throughout the house, so in the event of a failure, one of the networks does not completely overload the network. It simply connects the device to an active and working node.

3. Simple Cover

Another good news about mesh networks is that they allow for smooth transfers as they move around the house and move from node to node. You can configure multiple routers that act as access points at home, but each access point has its own SSID. Because of this, you have to manually transfer your device to another device. In order to get the highest possible signal rate in the mesh network, the device is automatically sent to the best node in a specific location without any problems.

The Main Drawbacks of the Mesh

Let’s take a look at what’s missing in the wireless mesh.

1. The Price is Still Quite High

The biggest downside associated with these networks is their expensive barriers to entry. Unfortunately, these systems are very expensive. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the initial investment significantly, and it is usually more expensive than the best wireless routers.

2. Lack of Advanced Features

Another drawback associated with mesh networks is that designs usually lack advanced features. Because it is user-friendly and designed to be plug-and-play, manufacturers generally do not have access to advanced features that experienced users may or may need in a routing solution. If you need an extended DMZ area, strict parental control and QoS system, you should use your existing good router, especially for gaming.

3. Slow Down

While not required for all systems, equipment without a dedicated return channel works effectively like a basic Wi-Fi extender. Without the feedback channel, the difference between the Wi-Fi Extender and the grid is missing.

How to Configure a Mesh Network

Mesh-Before you buy and build a Wi-Fi network, you need to figure out what wireless range you need. First, you need to find out the area of the house and all the open areas you want to cover and take into account the distance between the floors of the high-rise building. Coverage varies from system to system, so check the specs before spending your hard-earned money and keep in mind that everyone in the house is different. Structures such as walls, doorways, and floors not only interfere with other wireless devices such as microwave ovens and portable telephone systems but also affect the transmission of radio signals. Almost all mesh systems are extensible. So, don’t worry if your system doesn’t reach a certain area inside your home.

Most Wi-Fi systems require a mobile application and internet connection. After downloading the application, you need to create an administrator account and password. Remember your password so you don’t have to reset your system later. It is advisable to disconnect the modem or router to which the mesh system will be connected and allow the router node to be assigned a valid IP address (recommended by most companies). To start the setup, open the application and follow the instructions to connect the mesh-router to the modem and add a satellite node.

One of the most important things to consider when setting up a mesh network is the location of each node for optimal Wi-Fi coverage without dead zones. The main node of the router, which provides Internet connectivity to all other satellite nodes, should be installed close to the cable modem or existing router using a LAN cable. The router assembly should be placed outdoors (not in a closet or under a table). The application discovers the node and notifies the node after it receives its IP address. Before proceeding to deploy the Satellite node, you must provide a new name and password to be used by all connecting clients.

The location of satellite nodes is system-dependent, and depending on their characteristics, some nodes provide a larger coverage area than others. A good rule of thumb is to place the second node halfway between the router and the dead zone, like using a distance extender, but limit the distance to no more than two. If you are using more than one satellite, please follow the rules for two rooms. Place each node in an empty area near an electrical outlet, on a bookcase, or on the floor above the counter. The same applies to multi-story buildings. Limit the distance between satellites to no more than 15 meters. Fortunately, many systems provide a signal test in the application or a real indicator of each node that tells you whether it is too far from the main node or a previously installed node.

When placing nodes, you should also consider how to connect them to game consoles, TVs and other entertainment components. Since these devices provide higher speeds without interference from other wireless devices, it is almost always recommended to use a wired connection. Most grid nodes have at least one LAN port installed to enable wired connection, so place the node 3 to 5 meters away from devices that will benefit from wired LAN connection.

Wired or Wireless Relay

Relay connection is the process of transferring data back from the satellite node to the main router and the Internet. Basically, a Wi-Fi mesh system is configured for wireless data transmission. Some systems use the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio bands for feedback, while others use a dedicated 5 GHz band for this purpose. However, in some systems, you can use an Ethernet cable for wired transmission, which provides optimum performance and high security. If your home is connected to an Ethernet network, you can improve overall network performance by providing a wired backhaul connection to the main router by connecting the nodes through a wired connection.

Set Parental Controls and Set Device Priorities

Once the Wi-Fi network system is installed, it is time to take advantage of its features. Many of these systems feature parental controls that allow children to create profiles for each family member, restrict access to certain websites, and automatically block network access at certain times of the day, for example before bed and dinner. provide. Almost all Wi-Fi systems in the application have a pause button that allows you to turn off internet access at the touch of a button, and some systems have age-appropriate parental controls. For example, children’s presets ban access to social networks, gambling, and adult-focused websites, presets for teens are rather less stringent, and adult presets give you unlimited access. You can apply these controls to a family member profile and then apply it to each device that the member uses.

If you have an online gamer or if you are using a network system to stream video, use the Quality of Service (QoS) settings to allocate bandwidth where you need it most. These options allow you to give game consoles and devices that broadcast videos a lion’s share of bandwidth without competing with other devices on the network, usually by pulling the device into the high, medium and low priority fields. . The more user-friendly system has QoS presets for things like gaming, streaming, surfing and chatting, and you can prioritize devices and applications.

Management Options

After the Wi-Fi Mesh system is configured and running smoothly, it is advisable to periodically check the network usage, the websites visited, and the list of customers. When a new customer joins the network, the most notable systems send push notifications to instantly handle unwanted customers. Many systems provide built-in antivirus utilities to block viruses and other malicious content, so monitor network attack logs and quarantine all client devices marked as infected. Finally, check if the firmware has been updated. Newer versions often improve performance, add new features, and provide security fixes.

In general, there are many benefits to using a Wi-Fi Mesh product. They are an attractive option for those suffering from “dead zones” in the house. When you invest in a wireless network, you are primarily investing in convenience and ease of use. These systems are designed to be easy to install and generally “easy to operate”. To see which option is right for you, take a look at your coverage area, find out if there is one solution for your router, and decide which additional features you need when setting up. Mesh Wi-Fi is one of the best solutions to date.

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