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9 Social Media Mistakes Companies Shouldn’t Make

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Social Media has become a necessity for all companies, but at the same time, it has become a minefield for companies unable to manage the ever-increasing complexity. At a glance, “Twitter Disaster” continues to pop out on a daily basis, but it has become so common that the expression “Twitter Disaster” does not sound special anymore.

The damage happens incredibly fast. Although you can delete Tweets and Facebook posts, evidence that they existed is always captured and collected within seconds of posting in real-time. If you’ve posted something inappropriate on social networks, it will follow you all your life.

What if you can’t believe this fact? Here’s a look at the 9 all too common reasons for social media failures we’ve prepared. All of the examples are from real companies posting simple and stubborn messages on social media.

1. Leave it to Someone who Doesn’t Understand Social Media

Small businesses may not have enough manpower to manage their Twitter or Facebook pages every day. Since social media management takes a lot of hands and doesn’t affect business outcomes that much, you’ll want to outsource this work to another company or leave it to a junior employee. What if you really do that?

You are making a big mistake.

The corporate yearbook is likely to document thousands of examples of post and tweet mistakes made by outsourced companies or employees who don’t understand social media well. This is usually caused by confusing personal and corporate accounts, which is why a “social media expert” posted a “drunken twist” on dogfish Head beer on the official Red Cross Twitter account. Because. And on Chrysler’s official Twitter, the reason why Detroit city drivers sent sighing tweets that included abusive “I don’t know how to drive ***,” was because they confuse personal and corporate accounts.

The Red Cross actually handled the case as a small mistake without much harm and went over it appropriately. However, Chrysler failed to clear the case with a simple reflective reaction (although later falsely accused) of calling it a hacker’s work.

Solution: Adequate training of corporate social media personnel, and steps should be taken to avoid mixing personal and corporate accounts. Tools like Hoot Suite make it easy to manage multiple accounts, but if the official Twitter admin is belligerent, it can increase the risk of making mistakes.

2. Fire Social Media Officers without Changing Passwords

At least Change your Password Before Firing your Social Media Rep

Over time, someone has to be fired. How you handle the dismissal process will affect your business, especially if you’re the one who manages social media accounts.

HMV, a global entertainment retailer, begins a series of dismissals, and this “massacre” process results in real-time tweets by social media representatives involved in the dismissal and learned this lesson hard. The tweet also revealed suspicion that HMV management had illegally hired interns.

Business can’t always run neatly, and sometimes layoffs are the only option. However, the level of passwords for core social accounts must be changed before dismissal occurs. Managing the appearance of those things to the world is a key part of a company’s long-term survival.

3. Confusing Public Responses and Private Messages

This problem has actually been around for decades and started with emails. Instead of sending a reply only to the original sender, he accidentally clicked “reply to all”. Oops, the backstory of the chairman’s bad breath has just been sent to the entire company.

We’re all familiar with this issue, but Twitter has taken it further. Instead of sending a DM as intended for a Tweet message, if you reply to @, it is now spreading all over the world, not just the entire company. At least until you delete it.

Let’s not Make Mistakes Like Weiner

There have been endless disasters in this regard. Actor Charlie Sheen released his phone number to the world by replying to it. Economist Nouriel Roubini had a hard time publicly sending a DM who dismissed the reporter as a loser as @.

Of course, among all the DM mistakes, the mistake of lawmaker Anthony Weiner, who not only tweeted the world about obscene words that could be quickly forgotten but also accidentally sprayed a naked picture of his lower body, is the most representative.

Twitter attempted to fix this problem that made the DM mistake out of control a long time ago, but a number of problems continue to arise because of the simple and common mistake of confusion between @ and D. (Related issues still exist on Facebook, where unfortunate commenters occasionally leave private messages on the public timeline.

There is no technical way to overcome this mistake: smart business owners send private messages to corporate social media. We know that it’s best practice to never use an account.

4. Making issues Unconditionally When a

Social issue arises, the intention to gain popularity by utilizing it is good, but the time and place should be covered. Popular tactics that use trendy hashtags like #Kardashian as a springboard may be effective at attracting a little more followers, but when the subject matter is sensitive, they are often upset.

Recently, American Apparel and Gap were very upset when they offered to shop in the midst of Hurricane #Sandy, and Celeb Boutique criticized it for encouraging people to buy #Aurora clothing. Kenneth Cole was criticized for his remarks that the democratization protest in Egypt #Cairo was due to his new spring collection. (In Cole’s case, the oblivion seems deliberate. He once again sent a tweet linking the #gunreform tweet last month with the sale of shoes.)

Of course, the Internet is a space where ordinary thoughts and great tastes always win Absolutely not, but it is still a problem for those who want to make a profit by using someone’s misfortune as a springboard. Taking advantage of or addressing the current situation related to human pain or death should, in no case, be a business social media strategy.

5. Disclosure of Business Secrets

There is one tip. If you are the CFO of a public company, go to the board of directors and say, “Board meeting. Good shame = happy board of directors,” Don’t tweet. This was done last year by Jean Morfs, CFO of women’s clothing company Francesca’s, which led to a 15% surge in the company’s stock. This is a selective disclosure case in which the company’s inside information was notified to a small number of people around the world, not to all, in this case, only 238 followers of Morkes’ Twitter. As a result of this, in the subsequent investigation that occurred after Morpheus was fired, long-time inappropriate leaks of internal information through Facebook and Twitter were discovered.

Thinking of going public? Take care to ensure that there are no offenses by personally following all financial employees’ social networks and conducting regular audits of what they are talking about on social networks.

6. Mistaking that Followers are all Fans

It seems like a good idea to ask corporate followers on Twitter and Facebook to write good things about the company on the network. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work well. Regardless of how many people like the company, countless people who hate it are also following the company’s Twitter account.

This can be seen in the case of McDonald’s who created the hashtag #McDstories and asked McDonald’s fans to talk about McDonald’s. Of course, McDonald’s anti-fans ordered “McDouble, but I chewed something in it and my molars broke. It flooded the tweets like #MacStoryz,” and captured the hashtags first. Similar issues continue to occur, such as the abduction of hashtags through Qantas Airlines’ #QantasLuxury and British luxury retailer Waitrose’s #WaitroseReasons.

Whether it’s a good idea to invent a hashtag will be obvious to the average user, but keep in mind that once you create a hashtag, you can’t get it back. Use hashtag marketing only after you’ve confirmed that your company’s perceptions are favorable (and recommend a gaming system that offers products to the best Twitter).

7. Displaying the Political Appearance

If you are a business owner with common sense, you will never, in any case, bring your political position into your business. This is because in a country divided in half for political themes, no matter how well-intentioned political comments can provoke the anger of the other half.

Chicken and Politics Don’t Match

But nonetheless, Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy publicly spoke of his personal opposition to same-sex marriage last year, sparking a social media controversy. As a result of this, Chick-Peel-A gradually distanced himself from political issues, but over several months the company suffered damage caused by consumer boycotts, cancellation of business partners, and general antipathy against the chairman. All of these are the aftermaths that would not have happened if the chairman had been quietly shutting his mouth.

8. Do not Understand the Mechanism of Social Media

Hashtags, @ reply, tagging, these functions are not necessarily easy or intuitive, so I can understand the mistakes we sometimes make. However, when using social media for business, the level of the problem is different, so if you do not do this correctly, it becomes a problem.

Related example: CVS Pharmacy opened a new Twitter account called @CVS_Cares and asked customers to follow the account and provide feedback on the company. The problem here was that the @CVS_Cares account was locked, so no one could view the Tweet or follow the account without requesting permission.

Regarding topic #4, Entenmann noted that during Casey Anthony’s trial, the tweet, “Eating all they want, who #notguilty?!” makes himself look stupid during the trial process by Casey Anthony. learned. difficult, but this post is to know yieotneunji because yeotneunji in intentional attempt to free ride the popular hash tags, or simply stupid, the only enten has appealed strongly was because we simply stupid in the future.

such stupidity is the last week It’s almost the worst in the already notorious case of Amy’s Baking Company that has happened, the company has received some negative comments on Yelp and the president of the Kitchen Nightmares program. When Reddit users booed about the appearance of the company, Sammy and Amy, the presidents’ couple, attempted to strongly refute through the company’s Facebook account, which seemed to ignite a gossip fire that would have been forgotten in 15 minutes. was exacerbated by grade, the case was left in a social media case study for the corresponding failure in its criticism. well, it does not touch the honeycomb, the concept does not have the anti-feeding is not you.

9. Downplay Social Media Security

Numerous social media mistakes, including “nude photos,” that celebrities are so common to leak, can be attributed to accidents or raucous propaganda, but some of them are actually due to hacker involvement. Social media security is a serious problem, and phishing attacks that attempt to hijack Twitter and Facebook are all too common. Hang strong passwords on corporate accounts, lock them tightly, and limit those who know the password to those who are essential to the account.

Avoid Mistakes with Common Sense Preparation

Social media is a great communication tool for businesses. But if that communication misses, everyone can see the mistake. Set common-sense basic rules and implement them to minimize risk. Anyway, unless you want to be number 10 on this list of mistakes.

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