To defend against modern threats, organizations need the best deception technology. This is a growing field, and there are many different types of deception techniques. These techniques include High interaction deception, Lateral movement attacks, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Spear phishing. These techniques are more advanced than traditional methods, and these tools can be very effective. Here are some examples. Once you understand them, you’ll be able to avoid them and protect your company.
Spear Phishing
Spear phishing is an advanced deception technology cybercriminals use to get sensitive information from a company’s employees. This attack targets employees’ trust by using well-known brand names to lure them into clicking on malicious links or logging into a bogus page. Using these brands as covert spoofs allow cybercriminals to access sensitive information, including passwords and credit card numbers.
Spear phishing is becoming increasingly sophisticated, with social media as a prime example. Hundreds of thousands of people share their personal information on these sites, making them an ideal place to gather information about potential targets. Many of these bad actors are looking for high-value targets and are interested in obtaining personal information. This information includes Social Security numbers, passwords to bank accounts, and other elements of identity theft. If successful, spear phishing attacks allow attackers to access the target’s accounts and perform other crimes with the credentials.
Lateral Movement Attacks
Deception technology enables companies to detect insider and lateral movement attacks better. It works by planting false passwords and text files along an attacker’s potential routes. An alert will be triggered if the attacker attempts to log in using this password. This technology provides a more reliable method for detection than traditional methods. It also reduces dwell time and alert fatigue. In addition, deception protects cloud-based systems by simulating assets and creating a distorted view of reality. Often, one wrong choice is enough to trigger an alert.
In addition to identity-based attacks, lateral movement attacks can target networks and other systems. To perform a lateral movement attack, the adversary must obtain information about a target’s organization, its customers, and its most important assets. In addition, the attacker will want to remain undetected as long as possible. Once they have obtained valuable information, they will use this information to steal passwords and other sensitive data.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
The development of AI-based deception technology has opened up new opportunities for criminal investigation and legal enforcement, but it also poses new challenges in accuracy and bias. This has led to concerns among the public and legal action in some pockets. In particular, the legality of the information gathered by AI-based deception systems has been questioned.
AI-based deception technology is likely to encounter legal challenges shortly. However, these challenges will not prevent further development of this technology. Instead, it can be used to overcome future developmental and privacy concerns. If it does, it could lead to a more secure society for citizens. In the meantime, it can help protect our privacy by limiting the risk of deception.
High Interaction Deception
High-interaction deception technologies work by replicating real-world systems. These systems are built to look and behave like the real thing. As a result, human actors are less likely to realize that they are not, in fact, accurate. However, these systems can be costly and challenging to implement. An excellent example of high-interaction deception technology is a honeypot, which consists of real servers, operating systems, and endpoints. These systems can be weaponized as part of a more extensive cyberattack.
With High interaction deception, a malicious attacker can take 25x longer to steal data. It tricks attackers into believing they interact with real users while feeding them fake data. High-interaction deception tools make it easier to detect and respond to threats. High interaction deception tools include visibility tools to determine likely attack paths, time-lapsed maps of attacker movement, and integrations for accelerated incident response. These tools are a vital component of a practical attack prevention strategy.