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10 Cool Campers That Motivate You to Travel

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Those who have experienced the delights of life in mobile homes will never return to a banal holiday in a standard hotel. Freedom of movement has become a cult in this industry: campers allow you to watch sunrises in the most incredible places and change the scenery outside your window every day. And most importantly, there are no restrictions in comfort, because you carry all the benefits of civilization with you.

This segment of the auto industry has its SUVs and giants, luxury yachts and uncompromising rogues. Some travel enthusiasts customize their vans themselves, while others pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for the finished product. Journalists have compiled a selection of ten truly cool mobile homes that can inspire you to make your dreams come true.

Volkswagen Grand California

This factory-built camper has been expected from Volkswagen for a long time. The new Grand California, based on the standard Crafter, has become truly huge, turning into a “two-level apartment” with a body height of as much as 3 meters. The interior is divided into several thematic areas: a bedroom with a double bed, a kitchen and a dining room, which transforms into a games room. The list of options for the California includes a ton of outdoor living equipment (like awnings and folding furniture), bike racks, mosquito nets, a satellite dish connection and much more. The key feature is the lifting mechanism of the roof, which creates a loft bedroom, with its own air conditioning. In short, a cool factory solution from the auto giant.

Fiat Ducato 4×4 Expedition

Fiat Ducato 4x4 Expedition

The factory project Fiat Ducato 4×4 Expedition, similar in concept, differs from Volkswagen in that it will allow you to drag the whole thing off-road, climb high into the mountains on dirt roads, or drive onto a sandy beach. After all, it has all-wheel drive, designed by partner company 4×4 Automobiles Dangel. This Ducato looks very brutal: there are toothy tires, powerful LED chandeliers, and a massive expeditionary roof rack. There’s even a winch and solar panel that powers the batteries. The interior is full of stuffing, including a shower, kitchen and toilet, and under the hood is a 2.3-liter Fiat MultiJet diesel engine with 150 hp.

Trailer Bruder EXP 6

Trailer Bruder EXP 6

This expedition trailer is a real off-road monster among caravan trailers, with which you can safely go to the hard off-road. Firstly, the Bruder EXP 6 has a powerful adjustable suspension  with incredible geometric articulation (we talked about it separately). Secondly, the wheels are shod with off-road tires, and the trailer itself is protected from damage around the perimeter and painted with special wear-resistant paint. In addition, this Bruder is a very technologically advanced pear, because the back door, roof and side kitchen extend and swing open using hydraulics, and all systems, including suspension , electrics and LED lighting, are controlled using a smartphone. Equipment and finishing are of the highest class.

Hymermobil B-Class MasterLine

Hymermobil B-Class MasterLine

“MasterLine” is a truly luxurious yacht on wheels, almost 8 meters long, the level of finishing of which corresponds to the luxury rooms of a decent hotel. This motorhome is created on the latest generation Mercedes-Benz Sprinter chassis and is dressed in a completely original composite body that forms a flat floor. The motorhome is designed for 4-5 people, and especially demanding owners will be pleased with a full King-size sleeping bed.

Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 6×6

Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 6x6

A six-wheeled Mercedes is not only the Mercedes-AMG G 63, but also this expedition camper from Oberaigner. The authoritative partner of Mercedes has long been known for 6-wheel and all-wheel drive projects based on the Sprinter – including minivans, vans and even flatbed models designed for driving in the most severe conditions. Both rear axles are driven, with 100% differential locking, and the declared fording depth is over 600 mm. A very tough toy!

Earthroamer LTS

Earthroamer LTS

The purebred American Earthroamer LTS pickup camper based on the super-heavy Ford F-550 4WD is no less brutal. Instead of a cargo body at the back there is a large residential superstructure designed for 2-6 people and accommodating a kitchen, bedroom, toilet and shower. Under the hood, a powerful and high-torque commercial diesel 6.7 liter V8 with 330 horsepower and a torque of 750 Nm rumbles, and the range with enlarged tanks is as much as 900 kilometers.

Earthroamer LTS FORD

The creators claim that the motorhome has record thermal efficiency, since the capsule is insulated using special sandwich panels with pir insulation. Prices just start at $500,000.

Orangework Lennson 3C

Orangework Lennson 3C

Conceptually similar to the “American” is this bright yellow Gelendvagen, the color of a school bus, built in Germany and called the Orangework Lennson 3C. The camper is based on the 2007 G-Class chassis in the 320 CDI version – with a 224-horsepower turbodiesel and a 7-speed automatic transmission. Huge ground clearance here is provided by off-road suspension and portal axles from LeTech. Despite its compact size, inside the pickup camper there is everything necessary for two people to live.

Hunter RMV Predator

Hunter RMV Predator

Another expeditionary “American” Predator 6.6 from Nevada differs from the rest in that it is built on the basis of a light tactical military truck LMTV. Only it is not intended for “war games”, but for exciting trips away from civilization. Under the hood is a super-durable 6.6-liter Caterpillar turbodiesel 225 hp, which is combined with an automatic transmission and permanent all-wheel drive. The range reaches 1200 km, and the maximum speed is about 100 km/h. You can live autonomously for a long time, since the Predator has solar panels, a diesel generator set and a water purification system on board.

Citroen Type H WildCamp

Citroen Type H WildCamp

Before us is an incredibly cool project from the French, which turns the new Citroen Jumper into a campervan in the style of the iconic Type-H van. To do this, it was only necessary to produce a set of hinged body panels to redesign the front end and sidewalls, as well as retro optics – such a motorhome looks extremely stylish. But inside, everything is done as modern as possible – there is navigation, a multimedia system with a 9-inch screen and a transforming interior that has absorbed all the most successful solutions in camper construction.

Volkner Mobile Performance

Volkner Mobile Performance

The icing on the campermobile cake is a luxury bus with a length of more than 11 meters of the Performance Perfection series from the German studio Volkner Mobile. It is based on Volvo’s own frame and units. The fact that the Volkner includes several full-fledged sleeping places, wardrobes, a toilet and shower, two 43-inch TVs, kitchen equipment, and an Internet access point generally fits into the idea of ​​a camper of this size. Another thing is surprising – the luggage compartment between the axles of the bus occupies a garage! In the “basic” version of the motorhome, it can accommodate a city car like a Mini or Fiat 500, and in the extended top – even a Porsche 911. This is how an elite nesting doll turned out. You can leave the bus in the parking lot and drive your sports car into the cramped city center. All this joy with maximum equipment costs 1 million 240 thousand euros or approximately 90 million rubles.

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